........For some years I've been asked many questions by lots of people and thought it would be good to share my answers here for you to read........

Thursday 30 August 2018

Suffering is painful .....

Many anxiety sufferers hide their condition from people because of others reactions towards those who suffer from anxiety / depression.  Often you hear 'they need to pull their socks up, they're so selfish, should get out more, he/she's got everything they need so why are they depressed, how can they be depressed if they're smiling, its all in their mind, depression doesn't exist .......' and the list goes on ... and I've heard it all.  Those who have never experienced 'true' anxiety / depression, have absolutely no idea of the pain, the suffering and the sheer misery of it all.  The sufferer might paint a very grim picture when describing it - and believe me, the reality of it is far, far worse ..... more than you could ever imagine.

People who are depressed / anxious don't 'choose' to be ill, they don't want this condition and they'd do anything to recover from it.  They aren't doing this on purpose and if they could pull their socks up they would have done so a long time ago.  Sufferers are allowed to smile - its a facial expression, but it doesn't mean that inside everything is ok.  The family may be tired of it, but just think of the sufferer - they're far more tired of it than the family are because they're the ones suffering.  Anxiety and depression are conditions, just the same as any other medical condition.

If you have a family member or friend who is suffering with this type of condition, then please just be there for them.  Never, ever tell them to just buck their ideas up and don't keep asking 'are you better yet'.  They won't just get over this tomorrow - but they will in time.  Stand by them and they'll forever be eternally grateful to you and love you more than you can ever imagine.

If you're a sufferer and have a family member who seems uninterested in your condition or are tired of it, then please don't blame them either.  Its very hard to understand what anxiety is if you've never suffered with it.  I had no idea either and didn't know what it was when it hit me.  Maybe show them this website / blog and even this blog post.

It does seem a lonely business when you're suffering, but reach out to those who are suffering or have gone through it.  We know what you're going through having been there ourselves.

Stand by your loved ones - that bond will grow ever more stronger.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Pass through Anxiety

I fully believe in the works by Dr Claire Weekes, and when I was ill it was THE only information that made perfect sense to me - more than any Doctor, Psychologist or Psychologist ever did.  I longed for them to adopt this method so I could discuss it with them and move forward ....... this was back in the early 1980's.  Things have certainly moved on since then.

Though I recovered on medication Dr Weekes books helped me tremendously, and it was as I was recovering that the information made more and more sense and I could see anxiety for what it was.

Since I've recovered someone passed me the link to Paul David's books and website and it made me very excited!!  Here was someone who talked to same as I did - and yes, he'd also read the Dr Weekes information too.  Paul's books are brilliant and talk in depth about why you're ill, why you're stuck in the cycle of anxiety, the side effects of anxiety and how to help yourself.

There are many great videos on Youtube from or about Dr Claire Weekes which you may find very helpful.  What she (and Paul David) says is so true - stop trying to avoid the feelings of anxiety but instead let it happen and pass through it to the other side.  By doing this you're allowing the feeling to be there whilst you 'ignore' it.  Its not comfortable ..... but by doing this the anxiety WILL slowly dissipate.

There are many videos on Youtube and here is a couple to start you off: