........For some years I've been asked many questions by lots of people and thought it would be good to share my answers here for you to read........

Friday 23 March 2018

Feeling Rubbish Every Morning .....

When we sleep we relax, and when we wake up, the difference between the relaxed state and the waking state can be jarring, and this can make us feel anxious. We all know the shock of waking up from a deep sleep to a loud alarm, and how anxiety provoking that can be.

On awakening, our bodies produce a hormone called cortisol which is released when it’s time to wake up.  Cortisol is also released as a response to stress and it can make us feel tense and anxious.  You can help change your thinking about your morning anxiety by telling yourself “this is just a burst of cortisol which is my body’s natural response to waking up”.  This might help in not becoming anxious about morning anxiety.

Another physical reason we might feel anxious when we wake up is that our blood sugar level drops overnight while we sleep, and this can cause feelings of anxiety in some people.  Eating something soon after you get out of bed will help.  Alternatively, have a snack or drink by your bed and have this before getting up.


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