........For some years I've been asked many questions by lots of people and thought it would be good to share my answers here for you to read........

Saturday 31 March 2018

Do Nothing .......

Do nothing and get better ....... how can that be?

Lots of people try so hard to recover, battling every day, trying this trick and that tip, searching Google time after time, saving their favourite sites and quotes and equally scaring themselves by reading bad stories ...... always searching for an answer.  This in itself will make you more tired and more confused - which suggestion should you follow, which one is true as they often contradict each other?  Trying too hard will make you worse - you put pressure on yourself to be better, you tense, you become frustrated and angry - you push yourself too much.  Isn't this what led you to become unwell in the first place?  Pushing your body beyond its capability, stress, more overwork.  Yet we don't learn, and once suffering with anxiety we continue to push ourselves, yet our body is asking you to please slow down.  Years later some people are still battling ........ doesn't that tell you something?  Battling doesn't work.

So why not try a different approach ........

Let all feelings and thoughts be there and just get on with life.  Stop avoiding places, stop pushing thoughts away ......... just relax, feel the feelings and do it anyway.

We are the soul creators on our anxiety - so if we're the creators, then we can unlearn this.

Getting on with life, doing exactly what you want to do is the way forward.  Yes it will feel uncomfortable, but letting all feelings be there whilst you live ....... believe me, that fear will rise but equally it will always, always die away too.

Passing through fear and out the other side is the way forward.

I urge you to read At Last a Life and At Last a Life and Beyond by Paul David for more insight into this.  It makes sense.......


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